Dr. Theiss coauthored a textbook for the introductory course in interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal Communication: Putting Theory into Practice draws on theory and research in the interpersonal communication discipline to help students identify strategies to improve their communication skills. Interpersonal communication is presented as a subject of scientific research that has relevance to students' daily lives. The goal of the text is to show students that communication scholars tackle important questions that have real-life relevance and to dispel myths that interpersonal communication is just a matter of common sense. In an effort to make the book accessible to undergraduates, we draw on a variety of learning tools and exercises that can help students to see how interpersonal communication is employed in their daily lives.
You can get more details about the book, view the companion website, and request a complimentary copy for review here.
Dr. Theiss is the faculty supervisor for the various lecturers who teach our introductory interpersonal communication course at Rutgers. In addition, Dr. Theiss has taught the following courses at Rutgers University.
- Communication Theory (undergrad)
- Interpersonal Communication Theory (undergrad)
- Communicating about Relationship Challenges (undergrad)
- Conflict Negotiation and Resolution (undergrad)
- Sexual Communication (undergrad)
- Interpersonal Communication Theory (Grad)
- Uncertainty and Communication (Grad)
- Relational and Family Communication (Grad)
- Communicating about Sexual Health and Relationships (Grad)
- Relationships, Health, and Wellness (Grad)